“无限未来”学术论坛 | Short Talk: Energy Harvesting Technology Towards Battery-Free IoT


Title: Energy Harvesting Technology Towards Battery-Free IoT


Guobiao HU, Assistant Professor, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou), China


讲座时间:727日(周四)下午16: 20




The world is entering a new era of the Internet of Things (IoT). Within the framework of IoT, billions of physical devices worldwide will connect to the Internet, uploading, downloading, and sharing data. If all the billions of IoT network nodes utilize chemical batteries, the follow-up maintenance and replacement tasks will be strenuous. How to address the power supply issue and guarantee the perpetual operation of those IoT network nodes is a challenging problem. Vibrations and wind are renewable energy resources that ubiquitously exist in our surrounding environment. Therefore, developing self-powered technology via scavenging energy from the ambient environment has gained enormous attention from the academic and industrial communities. In this talk, I will introduce a number of piezoelectric systems designed by us in the past few years for scavenging energy from vibrations or wind. Problems in practical energy harvesting will be pointed out. The motivation behind each design will be explained. Theoretical models of those electromechanical systems will be used to help elucidate their dynamic mechanisms.


Brief Biography:

Dr. Guobiao Hu is an assistant professor with the Internet of Things (IoT) Thrust, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou). He received his Ph.D. degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Auckland. Before joining HKUST(GZ), he worked as a Research Fellow at Nanyang Technological University. His research interests include energy harvesting, acoustic-elastic metamaterials, and intelligent material structures & systems. Dr. Hu has published over 80 peer-reviewed technical papers in prestigious journals and international conferences, including 5 ESI highly cited papers. He received the Best Paper Finalist Award at the SPIE Conference on Smart Structures/NDE 2018. He has filed 3 patents, including 1 Singapore and 2 Chinese patents. According to Google Scholar statistics, his publications have received over 2000 citations with an H-index of 25. He is named in the world's top 2% of Scientists List (2022) identified by Stanford University. He serves as reviewer for more than 60 SCI journals and guest editor for 5 SCI journals.
